Friday, November 28, 2008

O Christmas Tree

Today we got our Christmas Tree and on our way we made up new lyrics to the song, O Christmas Tree.

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
You make my house so pretty {Alison}

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree
Now I have to vacuum every two hours {Paul}

Here are some snapshots from the day.

This one is too big....

This one is too small...

This one is just right....perfect in fact.

Step One...

Christmas Trees are VERY thirsty...

The Tree is straight and the lights are on...Paul's work is done here.

Rachel brought the party and helped decorate the tree

Buttons set up the Nativity

Thursday, November 27, 2008

This time last year...

This time last year I (Alison) was with some of my most favorite people on this childhood girlfriends and their families. Eliesha (friends since 4 yrs.), Melissa & Melanie (since 4th grade), and Stacey (since Jr. High)...ALL of my childhood memories revolve around these women in one way or another. We have laughed our way through EVERYTHING!! The awkward styles of the 80's and 90's, new boyfriends, heartbreak, newer boyfriends, more heartbreak, vacations, new schools, summer camp, new homes, lost pets, sibling rivalry, youth group, mistakes, achievements, you name it we've seen it together. Not to mention their families, truly being my family. I love these people and feel so blessed to still have them in my life.

"A friend knows everything about you and loves you anyway." (anonymous)

My Bosom Friend - Eliesha
Julia, Little Ray of Sunshine!! (Eliesha's daughter) What a hottie!
Sweet Janie - My mom's friend & Eliesha's mom

Me & Stacey (she would kill me if she saw I posted this picture....aaaah friendship)

Melanie & Melissa - precious friends

My visit wouldn't be complete with a trip down Memory Lane - lunch at The Coeur d'Alene Resort, a look at the homes we grew up in, and schools we graduated from.

Bus Stop - Covered to protect from the snow.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Grateful Heart

"You will give more than you ever have, on the least you have ever had."

Those are the words I (Alison) heard God speak to me over the summer. We had just committed to my going part time at work and entering into the ASI program at Newsong. Me being the "number cruncher" was starting to panic on how we were going to survive a year on a limited income. We knew in our hearts that this was the right decision and through our obedience we would be provided for (as always). But, to hear the words above did not make my heart skip with delight. I think my dialogue with God went something like this...

"What the...? Your joking right? How can we give more when we have less? There are things that I need and can't afford already, how can this work?"


He had spoken and that was that. So, we trust and know that somehow, someway He is going to make a way for us to give more than we ever have on the least we have ever had. {Gulp}

Fast forward four months....and He has been faithful. Paul and I are blessed beyond words. We have not felt the "pinch" of less income....even in giving away so much of it. I can't get my head around how God's economy works but as we have given more and more (and it has be sooo fun) we have been provided for beyond what we could have produced on our own.

As we are entering into this season and I don't just mean the Holidays. But, this season in America of home foreclosures, the markets record low, job losses, and the list goes on....a challenge has been given to us at Newsong. A challenge that I also give you now...

"This season, give up your luxuries so that others may have their necessities."

The hair stood up on the back of my neck when I heard those words. Suddenly, the thought of a Christmas snowboarding in Lake Tahoe didn't seem so exciting, in fact it seemed a little frivolous. We have had this trip planned with my family for almost a year now and I have been looking forward to sitting on the top of the Sierra Mountains enjoying the view of beautiful Lake Tahoe. I have day dreamed about teaching Paul how to snowboard and drinking hot coco on the lodge deck. Now, I am hearing a little voice speak to my heart about where that money should really go....

Paul and I watched "Schindler's List" the other night. What a great movie and I was just a kid the last time I saw it. But one of the scenes, and you know the one I am talking about. The war has ended, Mr. Schindler is getting ready to flee and the Jews are presenting him with a ring of gratitude and he breaks down and says "Why did I keep the car? That is ten more people. Or my pin? Why didn't I sell my pin. This one more person." Oh how those words have been replaying in my head. Making me ask "What luxuries am I holding onto that would provide the necessities for someone else?"

And THAT is the very question we are asking the Lord. And I know He will be faithful to show us.
We would like to hear from you. Where has God shown Himself strong on your behalf? When have you not understood how but put your trust in Him and He moved a mountain for you? Where has God gone exceedingly beyond what you had expected or hoped for?
Also, how is this season going to be different for you and your family? Are you recognizing luxuries in your life that need to be given away?
"...When someone has been given much, much will be required in return; and when someone has been entrusted with much, even more will be required." (Luke 12:48)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

a sight to see...

Something that I absolutely LOVE about Tennessee are the very distinct seasons. Each one brings more brilliant colors than the last. Autumn has always been my favorite season, but I have never seen colors quite like this...

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Life of Cats

Last Christmas Paul and I adopted our first pet, Buttons. A cute little calico kitty. She has brought so much joy into our home...she was the perfect "introductory" cat for Paul. : 0 )

Early this summer we felt like it was time to find a buddy for Buttons. I have to admit seeing Georgie at the Williamson County Animal Control was love at first sight. He is a little shy but a precious big brother to Buttons. They have such a sweet little relationship. So funny to watch them together...they play, fight, clean each other, and snuggle.

Meet Buttons - In her favorite spot....the bathtub!
Hiding from Georgie

Meet Georgie

Bird watching....

Planning their escape

Passed out after a long night of partying....