Our little boy is growing up. I can officially say he really isn't much of a baby anymore. This is a fun new season. Everyday he learns something new. He is sitting up on his own, eating solids,
analyzes and determines how to get a toy that is just out of reach. He doesn't even like to be rocked to sleep any more. I swear there are days he looks at me like, "I'm a big boy now, Mommy." Here are a few pics and videos of these sweet milestones.
Baby Jail!!

"Is that what I think it is...."

"It is! It is! I found a tag!!" (I'm not sure why he has an obsession with tags, but he love them)

"I'm helping Mommy."

Peek-a-boo!! Or like we say in the south "Pea Pie!"

"Peas!! Yuck!!"