Sunday, August 31, 2008

Celebrating a Life

To each of us she had a different name.
To six, Mom.
To others wife, sister, & neighbor.

To me she was Grammy.

When I think of her, words flood my mind. Words like gentle, patient, nurturing, cook, beautiful, saint, unconditional love, and strength.

She saw many things in her life. Some wonderful and some difficult. She lived a full life. Full because at every step in her journey she carried a deep love for the Lord in her heart and honor & reverence for Him on her lips. She understood her desperate need for Him and lived her life that way. Today Grammy would be 92, but today she celebrates her life with the One who gave her life.

I am grateful to Grammy for the demonstrative life she lived for me. But, today I am even more grateful to know that she is a part of MY cloud of witnesses. The ones cheering me on from Heaven. And as I step into this new role the Lord has for me as Student, Intern, and Pastor's Wife, I think of her crying and smiling and laughing (she has a great laugh). Boy, do I want to make her proud. So, Grammy this one's for you!

Love, Alison


Reed and Kelli said...

what a great perspective to have after a loss of a loved one. i love this!!! And.....I will agree along side of you that your grammy would definitely be proud of you....Alison Hillenbrand!!!


Rachel said...

Alison, you are a reflection of her beauty. I cried when I read this. Your words are so tender, genuine and beautiful. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks... and I know this to be condition of your heart.

I love you sweet friend! I know your grammy is proud. I am proud of you too! And blessed to walk along side you. :)

Anonymous said...

wow what a beautiful woman. you are a testament to her legacy; she's GOT to be celebrating your life with Jesus.