I will be completely honest, the move to Nashville was the hardest and greatest thing I have ever done. I miss my family and friends. Those people who have seen me grow into the woman I am today. They have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly. They have laughed, cried, and celebrated with me. They created wonderful memories with me, that I will cherish for a lifetime. So, leaving them was the hardest thing God has ever asked me to do and I miss them greatly.
But, He has been so faithful to bring family and friendships into my life here in Nashville. Not to replace the old but to add to those who are walking alongside me on this journey. These friendships have been so rich and intimate, hard to believe I have known them for less than two years.
JT and Christy Hughes are one of those friendships. I remember the Sunday that I felt that nudge from God, "You and Paul need to get with them." I smile now thinking about how God already knew how we would need one another, and was beginning to orchastrate this special friendship. They have been faithful friendships to Paul and I. Friends that we love dearly and look forward to our future with them.
Last weekend we had an opportunity to spend the weekend in Chattanooga with them. Chattanooga is a fun place to visit. They have attractions for everyone's taste from an incredible aquarium, the Bluff View Art District, a Mystery Dinner Theater, the infamous Ruby Falls, and much much more. Our weekend didn't consist of too much site seeing. We went for relaxation and conversation. Anyway, here are a few snapshots from the day.
Paul and JT messing around in front of the Aquarium.

My Horse

wow! I totally LOVED the picture of you and Paul laughing. Well...except the guy with the gut in the background, but we'll just photoshop him out. thanks for sharing your heart; I've been a recepient of your frienship in so many ways this week. bless you both
ohh i LOVE the picture of you & paul laughing too!!! so cute.
im so happy that the Lord called you to Nashville. your friendship means so much to me and i love our standing coffee date every other week! i've learned so much from you.....you are such a blessing to me. i love you dearly.
...and reed loves paul....so that just means our friendship was totally meant to be :)
Awe shucks ladies. I love you you guys...so blessed to have you in my life.
Hi you two! I was reading Jen's blog and came across yours. You both look incredible and incredibly happy and I am so very happy for you!
Charlene Dawson
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