Sunday, August 31, 2008

Celebrating a Life

To each of us she had a different name.
To six, Mom.
To others wife, sister, & neighbor.

To me she was Grammy.

When I think of her, words flood my mind. Words like gentle, patient, nurturing, cook, beautiful, saint, unconditional love, and strength.

She saw many things in her life. Some wonderful and some difficult. She lived a full life. Full because at every step in her journey she carried a deep love for the Lord in her heart and honor & reverence for Him on her lips. She understood her desperate need for Him and lived her life that way. Today Grammy would be 92, but today she celebrates her life with the One who gave her life.

I am grateful to Grammy for the demonstrative life she lived for me. But, today I am even more grateful to know that she is a part of MY cloud of witnesses. The ones cheering me on from Heaven. And as I step into this new role the Lord has for me as Student, Intern, and Pastor's Wife, I think of her crying and smiling and laughing (she has a great laugh). Boy, do I want to make her proud. So, Grammy this one's for you!

Love, Alison

Saturday, August 30, 2008

We want to hear from you too...

As we stated in our profile, this site is our attempt to keep YOU, our precious family and friends, in the loop of our lives. WE MISS YOU!!! And want to stay as connected as possible even though we are miles apart.

So, we promise to keep this site current with photos, stories, random thoughts and all the exciting things that fill our lives. The fun thing is that YOU can make comments on the things we post. That way you are also keeping in touch with us. We can't wait to hear from you!!

Here are some simple instructions on how to make a comment....

Click on "Comments"
Type out your message to us. Be sure to include your name.
Click on "Anonymous"
Click "Publish Your Comment"

Hope this was helpful. We love you and look forward to hearing from you!!

Alison & Paul

I am blogging...

Blog. What a strange word. Did you know it can actually be found in the dictionary?

Definition: an online diary.

Diary? Okay, if that doesn't make me want to shut this whole thing down. What is it about the thought of blogging that can send my blood pressure through the roof, yet there is a certain attraction to "get it all out there."

So here it first confession to you.

I want to blog! I am nervous!
