Sunday, May 31, 2009

Precious Moments

By now we are sure most of you have heard the exciting news, that we will be having a baby this year. We feel so blessed to be entrusted with the role of parent and are enjoying the journey of preparation to that special day (December 29th). In these first months we have enjoyed so many precious moments that will make for wonderful stories to share with this little life some day. Today we wanted to share with you one of those very special moments for us.

John and Jan (Paul's parents) were born to be grandparents. Not just to their biological grandbabies but they are grandparents to many lucky children. Whether they be neighbors, family friends, or church friends. Many children have already been blessed to have Grandma Jan and Grandpa John in their lives. So, to announce to them our exciting news was very special.

Jan and Paul threw a combined birthday party for John (60 yrs.) and myself (30 yrs). We had decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to bring the surprise of all surprises. And here was there how precious is that?!!!