Sunday, September 7, 2008

What's In There?

Yesterday, as our group was running, someone made an interesting comment. He was talking about the city that we live in, Franklin, TN. His observation was that running had revealed to him the character of the people in our city. They are nice, friendly people. In fact just as we started yesterday, every car allowed us to run through an intersection without horns honking or angry expressions on their faces.

This got me to thinking about my responses, that reveal my character. In the same way that running has revealed how friendly Franklin is, my responses to every situation in my life will reveal what I believe to be true.

We can only act according to what we believe. It does not matter how many times I tell someone what I believe, the true test is how I act. How do I respond when I receive bad service at a restaurant? It can reveal that I still believe I have a right to be served. How do I respond when I receive a pat on the back? It can reveal a need to be praised.

Each and every moment in my life is an opportunity to discover what I really believe. It will also reveal what does not line up with what is true. Sometimes this revelation is not very nice. It is uncomfortable, and can be disappointing. Other times I can clearly see how I am becoming, "a new creation in Christ Jesus."

My desire, is to see what I say matched by how I live.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this. thank you Paul!