Saturday, February 7, 2009

Running Again....this time with Courage!

Paul and I have started running again with the 1VoiceRunners, training for the (half) Music City Marathon in April.

Last year when we started running it was right around the same time that I started the ASI program at Newsong. I cannot tell you the overwhelming insecurities that came with running and training for ministry. I felt completely unfit to do either one. With great faith, accountability in friends, and sweaty palms, I went for it. Uncomfortable, yes!! Challenging, definitely!! Good days and bad days, absolutely!! But I did it and I can look back and see all that the Lord grew in me in just a short amount of time.

So, here I am starting our second term of classes, and running...again. And I feel more confident this time. I am running again....but this time it isn't away from physical health and the call on my life. I am courageously running forward in great anticipation of all that the Lord has for me physically and spiritually this year.

Acts 4:13 says,
"When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus."

Peter and John?? Unschooled and Ordinary?? We are talking about two disciples who were on the inner circle....they were the closest friends of Jesus. PETER, who Jesus said, "I will build my church on." And JOHN, "the disciple whom Jesus loved." These men were seen by the crowd as unschooled and ordinary. BUT, because they exuded great courage, the crowd knew they had to have been with Jesus.

In this season, I will run with courage. When I feel (or am) unschooled and ordinary I will take courage in the Lord. And the crowds will gasp and say, "how did such an ordinary woman accomplish this? She must be with Jesus!"


Anonymous said...

run toward the prize - Jesus! :) love you alison! cheering you on,

Rachel said...

run with confidence sweet sister - because I see Jesus all over you, in you and through you.

no mistake.
nothing ordinary here.
you've been in the presence of the King.