Sunday, February 22, 2009

We'll miss you Grandpa

her·it·age: something that comes or belongs to one by reason of birth

In every family there is a heritage that is passed from one generation to the next. For many it is given in a monetary amount. For a few the most treasured heritage that can be passed on is that of character.

The heritage of character, like money can be squandered in a single generation. But if it is valued and cared for with the utmost respect it will become long standing for generations to come.

I am privileged to say that I have received a great gift from family, the Marlings. My Grandpa Marling was a man of great character. He was a story teller and in those stories were nuggets of character being passed on to each generation, three to be exact. I see my Dad, Aunts, Uncles, and cousins now carrying these gifts. Ready to impart to the generations to come.

Here are just a few that I have received from my Grandpa Marling

Being a Marling means…

Having a Servant’s Heart

Choosing a positive attitude

Laughing often

Having a deep love and appreciation for God’s creation

Valuing time with family

Having a generous spirit

Respect and honor for one’s parents

Honesty in all things

Unyielding strength and courage

Compassion for others less fortunate

A long-lasting commitment to God

Thank you Grandpa for your stories, the epic life you lived, and the love you gave to us. Your heritage will always live in our hearts.

William Marling
January 15, 1917 - February 20, 2009


Reed and Kelli said...

wow. this is seriously one of the most beautiful blog posts that i have ever read. i know that the woman you have become most definitely makes your grandpa proud. you are amazing Alison....i love you!!!

Joanne Chantelau said...

What a wonderful tribute to Grandpa special and meaningful to have and then recognize the gift of a good family heritage. You have not wasted it!! Your grandpa was so cute. I love that top photo of him!